Unique business development opportunities at ChemiCos-2020

We invite you to take part in the 3rd international specialised exhibition of professional and household chemistry, cosmetics and personal care products CHEMICOS-2020. The exhibition will take place on March 24-26, 2020, at Crocus Expo Centre. The exhibition is organised by Mayer Corporate Group with the official support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Russian Chemists Union, the Union of Plastic Processors and the Research Institute for Household Chemistry “Rossa”.


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  1. This is the fastest way to the shelves of retail chain stores; buyers and retailers from 85 Russian regions will learn about your products. The exhibition is visited by more than 500 federal and regional chain stores of Russia, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan.
  1. This is an opportunity to get a refund for your exhibition expenses from the Russian Export Centre (terms of applying for a refund) and the Government of the city of Moscow (terms of applying for a refund). Participation in the exhibition is funded by regional Business Assistance Centres, Regional Development Agencies, Export Assistance Centres and other competent authorities in Russian regions*.
  1. These are guaranteed contacts with regional retail chain stores at the Purchasing Centre for Retail ChainsТМ for manufacturers and distributors of household chemistry and personal care products. 30 retail chains are invited. Organisers: Imperia Forum and Mayer Corporate Group.
  1. These are discussions of your project and business funding options with government authorities and participation in discussions on key industry issues within the framework of round tables at the 3rd International Scientific and Expert Forum “Resources for Growth. Chemistry for Life: State and Business”.
  1. These are presentations of your innovative solutions at the Annual Award in the sphere of consumer chemistry and cosmetics СhemiCos Unique.
  1. Participants may present their novelties and set up meeting with distributors on a special online platform www.expo-retail.ru that has been specifically created for promoting participants’ products.

KEY SECTORS OF THE EXHIBITION: household chemistry, cosmetics, production and raw materials, personal care products, salon of household and plastic products, eco and bio products.


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*More information on the refund of exhibition expenses in all Russian regions is available on request. Please call +7 (495) 363-50-32/33.

Mayer Corporate Group: 20/1 Ovchinnikovskaya Embankment, www.chemicos.ru, (495) 363-50-33, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.